Extra Fort / Studio Marcel / Recyclart
‘Recyclart’ Brussels, Belgium / 2015
Honey Poney (concert), Hantrax live,
Zorroz (concert),Duflan Duflan (concert) + dj Danton Q, Dj Frondchaud + Buck + Part beat + Le téton Masqué,
Interflora (concert) + dj The Village Harpist, + dj Bruce Lewis,
Zart en Scharf Party, Poemback (concert) + dj Boris Béjart, Spoilerroom Party
Honey Poney (concert), Hantrax live,
Zorroz (concert),Duflan Duflan (concert) + dj Danton Q, Dj Frondchaud + Buck + Part beat + Le téton Masqué,
Interflora (concert) + dj The Village Harpist, + dj Bruce Lewis,
Zart en Scharf Party, Poemback (concert) + dj Boris Béjart, Spoilerroom Party